Can focusing on one customer really make it easier to create content + increase your sales? Well sure it can. In fact, you’ll probably become more inspired to blog and update your social media than ever.  Not sure how? Read on.

focus on one ideal customer

How One Ideal Customer Makes Creating Content Easier

Say you’re a small business owner selling vegan cupcakes at markets and fairs. You’ve been building your business for a while now and are starting to get some sales, but not as many as you want. You decide to overhaul your web copy and do a bit of an online content push to grow some sales and build up a bit of buzz.

The problem? It’s so hard trying to come up with content that will appeal to all these customers that you are trying to attract. You know mum’s like to hear how your cupcakes are super healthy for their kids. And then there’s the 20-year old foodie crowd that just love how your cupcakes taste. And what about the vegan brides trying to find an alternative for their wedding cake.

So many potential customers. So many messages. The problem? You try to market to all of them and your website and social media become just one hot mess of mixed-messages (much like your kitchen after a cooking frenzy).

The solution is to choose just one person to market to, and make all your content about them.

Think about who they are. What they do. What they need (or want), and how your product helps them. Most importantly, why do you love selling to them? Is it because they love trying the new flavours that you’re experimenting with? Or maybe they’re your biggest champion, spreading love about you across the internet.

Then when you next sit down to write a social media post or update your website, imagine that you were just writing to them. It will suddenly become like you’re writing to your best friend.

I can already hear you arguing. One person? But I need to sell 200 of these babies a week.  No one can possibly eat that many cupcakes. If I focus on one person, doesn’t that exclude everyone else?

Well the magic about this is that even if you write as if it was for your dream customer, other people reading your content will still be able to see themselves in it. Lots of people will share similar likes and dislikes to your ideal customers. And because your updates will sound so personal (because you’re just trying to write to one person), everyone who comes along will feel that you are writing just to them.

Now I can tell you’re thinking this sounds a bit out there. Crazy perhaps.

But think about it. You just read this whole post and have probably identified yourself and your business with at least some parts of it. But I’m guessing you’re not the 27 year-old female vegan cupcake maker from Melbourne that I was writing to.

Want to figure out how to connect with your ideal customer, and increase your sales as a result? Sign up here to get free access to the Your Ideal Customer Mini Workshop + bonus workbook.

Mini Workshop Ideal Customer