
Must-Have Email Automation Campaigns For Your Online Store

When you run a small business you never have enough time.; there’s always another product to design, a wholesaler to contact and a customer email to reply to. Oh and in between all that, you have to market and find new customers. Automation is the name of the game when it comes to maximising your time and streamlining your process. And when it comes to email, automation can also be a highly effective way to send the right email at the right time to the right person. Spend a little time now setting up your automated emails and they'll be rolling out while you get on with tackling your To Do list. Or, you know, not. Setting up email automation Most email providers have tools to let you set up autoresponders for your [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:32:07+11:00September 12th, 2017|Email Marketing|0 Comments

Why I Love Using MailChimp For Online Stores

Peek into just about any business-related Facebook and I bet my morning croissant you’ll see questions like: “What’s the best email platform?” and “MailChimp or Constant Contact or Active Campaign or what??” and even “Help! How do I set up abandoned cart emails? Please help!” (note the heavy use of exclamation marks). Now, while ‘best’ is subjective and dependent on a whole range of factors, I’m going to go out on a limb and say: If you’re a small- to medium- sized online store, MailChimp is your best option Big call, right? And before I go any further, let me say there are other email platforms out there that are just fine for online stores. But MailChimp has been working hard to create the features ecommerce brands need to grow and communicate with [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:38:44+11:00September 7th, 2017|Email Marketing|0 Comments

The One Email You Should Send After A Market Or Expo

Alright, you’ve just spent hundreds for a stand at a weekend market, fair or expo. You made a lots of sales, (yay!). Plus a heap of people added themselves to your email list. Double yay! "But what now?" I hear you asking. "What should I do to turn those people into paying customers?" Well, this post is all about turning that initial email into a great first impression (and, eventually, a paying customer). But first, a little story. The dating analogy Remember back to the last time someone asked you out in person (does that still happen?). You made a connection, said yes to a date and waited for the follow-up. You were intrigued, and perhaps a little excited. But then the follow up comes and it’s a vague mention of going out for [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:39:58+11:00May 15th, 2017|Email Marketing|0 Comments

7 Opt In Ideas For Your Online Store

If you run an online store then I’m going to bet your biggest challenge is how to get more traffic to your website. Because more traffic = more sales. Now there are a bunch of ways to get people back to your site, but one of the very best ways is to send an email to your email list. The stats don’t lie. A whopping 4.24% of visitors to your online store via email will make a purchase, compared to 2.49% from search results and a pathetic 0.59% of visitors from social media. [Source] So if growing your email list is key to growing your sales, the next question is: How do I get people to join my email list, huh? Good question my friend. And it just so happens I have an [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:40:38+11:00February 20th, 2017|Email Marketing|0 Comments
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