
Here’s how to write SEO-friendly product descriptions

Picture this: it’s Friday night and you’re sitting on the couch in your comfy pants, glass of wine in one hand, phone in the other. Mindlessly scrolling. Then you suddenly remember that you wanted to order a new pair of lounge pants (one can never have too many). You open up Google search, type in ‘buy comfy lounge pants’ and scroll down to the first [...]

By |SEO|

1 Dress, 5 Ways: Why Good Product Descriptions Are Essential For Your Online Store

Product descriptions are so often overlooked when it comes to marketing your product. These choice bits of copy are frequently shoved down the bottom of the to-do list, as an afterthought to the more sexy parts of branding like photography and #influencers. But product descriptions should be a key consideration when it comes to developing your online store. Not only do they convey your brand [...]

By |Copywriting|

How This Creative Built a Successful Jewellery Brand From a Backpack

When you think of digital nomads you probably think of laptop-toting bloggers, designers and photographers. After all, when all you need to run your business is a computer and a WiFi connection, it’s pretty easy to pack up and go. What you don’t hear a lot about is product-based business owners packing their bags and taking their store on the road. Which is exactly why [...]

By |Running Your Business|

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Make For Your Online Store (That You Won’t Want to Give Up on By February)

I love the beginning of a new year with the feelings of promise and possibility hanging in the air. And I love using this time to set resolutions to carry me and my business forward. While resolutions get a bad rap, there’s something so great about writing down the specific things you want to achieve, then figuring out the steps you need to take to [...]

By |Marketing|

How to Write a Truly Awesome About Page

If you were asked to give a speech about your best friend, we bet you could go on about them for hours. After all, developing that kind of close connection takes a lot of communication and sharing. What does this have to do with your online store, you ask? Well, a lot. In a world where countless brands are competing for the same business, connecting [...]

By |Copywriting|

How to Use Competitions to Promote Your Business

Competitions. You either love them or hate them. Chances are if you hate them you’ve either run competitions and had pretty poor results (cue tumbleweed) or you’ve avoided them like the plague because you think they’re pointless. While I love the idea of winning things, I'm no expert when it comes to actually making competitions work. So I had competitions expert Suki from OrigamiGlobe step [...]

By |Marketing|

Why I Love Using MailChimp For Online Stores

Peek into just about any business-related Facebook and I bet my morning croissant you’ll see questions like: “What’s the best email platform?” and “MailChimp or Constant Contact or Active Campaign or what??” and even “Help! How do I set up abandoned cart emails? Please help!” (note the heavy use of exclamation marks). Now, while ‘best’ is subjective and dependent on a whole range of factors, [...]

By |Email Marketing|

The One Email You Should Send After A Market Or Expo

Alright, you’ve just spent hundreds for a stand at a weekend market, fair or expo. You made a lots of sales, (yay!). Plus a heap of people added themselves to your email list. Double yay! "But what now?" I hear you asking. "What should I do to turn those people into paying customers?" Well, this post is all about turning that initial email into a great [...]

By |Email Marketing|
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