
How To Plan Your Entire Year’s Worth of Content in One Day

If ‘create more content’ is one your To Do list for 2016 but you’re kinda stuck on the how of it all then read on my friend. In this epic post I’m going to take you through my process to come up with a full year of content for your online store in just one day. Or two if you’re feeling particularly frisky. Oh and I’ve thrown in six free worksheets for you to plan out your content calendar. Just pop your details in the box below to get instant access. But why do this, you ask? Well I kinda think the benefits are pretty obvious, but let’s go through them. First up, you’ll never miss an important shopping date because you’ll already have every single one in your calendar. Just imagine being [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:49:22+11:00January 20th, 2016|Content Marketing, Marketing|3 Comments

How To Create a Super Simple Marketing Plan [Free Download]

It's so important to review your marketing strategy at the start of each year to ensure you're hitting the mark and reaching the right people. But this doesn’t have to be a lengthy, complicated process. In fact, you can do this in a couple of hours with a super-simple one page PDF. The one page marketing plan has been around for a while. And for good reason. It's a simple, straight-to-the-point way to guide your ecommerce marketing for the year. It also helps as a trigger to review your biz goals and direction and make sure your business plans and marketing are in alignment. While this is a simple process, you'll want to set aside two-ish hours to give yourself time to think and review. As you do this process you might find [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:51:59+11:00January 5th, 2016|Content Marketing|0 Comments

A Quick Tip to Help You Capture Ideas on the Run

Sometimes we find a solution so obvious that we can't believe we haven't been doing it for years. That's totally how I feel about this little trick I've been using to capture all the amazing ideas that come to me when I'm not at my computer. Something about that little blinking cursor and blank white screen totally shuts down the creative side of my brain. But when I'm out walking around my neighbourhood. Well, I'm like a freakin' maestro (in my head, anyway). But how to capture those ideas in the moment? Typing them onto my phone is soooo slow, and relying on my brain to remember them is pretty useless. So I found this totally obvious-why-haven't-I-been-doing-this-already tool and it's totally changed the way I come up with new ideas for my biz [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:51:49+11:00March 6th, 2015|Content Marketing, Tips and Tricks|2 Comments

3 Must-Read Blogging Tips for Small Business Owners in Melbourne

You’ve heard the phrase ‘content is king’ and are convinced that a blog is going to help attract more clients for your Melbourne business. You’re committed to posting often (yay!) and already have a bunch of topics in mind. But hold up there a darn second. Blogging is more than just letting your thoughts loose on the web. To make this really worth your time it’s important to be smart about it. So before you put fingers to keyboard, follow these blogging tips for small business owners so that you write posts that actually benefit your business. Oh hey, this is the second post in the series on blogging for your small business. You can have a read of the first part here. Subscribe to my email list to never miss a post, plus get weekly updates and super-special content just [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:51:40+11:00October 7th, 2014|Blogging, Content Marketing, Growing Your Business|0 Comments

How a Blog Can Help You Grow Your Melbourne Business

You’ve spent a bit of time online researching how to market your business. And every marketer (and their dog) is saying that you should start a blog to grow your business. But your business relies on local customers. Do those people really care about what you write online? Can a blog really help your local business in Melbourne? Well my short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes (but only if you do it right). Want to know more? Read on. The Benefits of Blogging for Local Businesses One of the benefits to having a blog is increased presence on search engines such as Google. Remember how I said in this post how important having a website is for local search traffic. Well Google loves websites that are updated regularly. And [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:51:33+11:00September 18th, 2014|Blogging, Content Marketing|1 Comment
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