
4 Things To Do Now To Prep Your Online Store For Christmas

Every year it happens. January starts and it feels like I’ve got ages to get the year’s checklist tick off. April comes around and I’m feeling like I’ve got shit under control. Then BAM! I wake up and it’s September. I’m staring down the barrel of October and Christmas is basically around the corner. You too? That’s why I wanted to get this post out for you today. It’s essential that you start looking ahead to the Christmas season and getting your online store prepped. Not only because if you start now you’ll have way more time to do it and will feel less stressed come November. But also because some of your customers are planning for Christmas now. Yes, those super-organised people who already have their Christmas card list complete with addresses [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:45:26+11:00September 20th, 2016|Growing Your Business, Website Content|0 Comments

Redesigning Your Website? What You Need to Know About Your Copy

You’re planning to update your website design to better reflect where your business is at now. A website redesign can be time-consuming and expensive, so it’s super-important to get it right. But what about your website copy? Can you get away with just using the same copy for the new site? Hmmm, probably not. Or how about just worrying about it once the design is set? Yeah, no. It’s no good spending all that time (and money) on a fresh new website, and then just slapping up any old copy. While great design is important, ultimately it’s what you say that will get your customers to buy from you (and keep on coming back). But what do you focus on first? The great new design or the copy? Let’s consider these two options. [...]

By |2019-10-16T14:52:55+11:00October 20th, 2015|Copywriting, Website Content|0 Comments

How to Unearth Your Brand’s Story

The ability to tell a story is an essential skill for ecommerce brands. Gone are the days when you just had to sell a half-decent product at an acceptable price. Now, with so many new (and similar) brands starting up, you’ve got to stand out and connect with your customers in a way that goes beyond the things you sell. What is brand storytelling? Let’s first look at what it’s not. It’s not purely your history (although that is part of it) It’s not confined to your About Page It’s not just about you and your products It’s not contrived or shared in isolation from everything else you do Your brand’s story is about your customers and what they get from using your products. When someone buys from you, they are also buying [...]

By |2019-10-17T11:44:07+11:00October 5th, 2015|Copywriting, Storytailing, Website Content|0 Comments

7 Links to Help You Rock Your Product Photography

If you're selling online you know how essential great photos are. Dark, out-of-focus product shots are just not going to cut it anymore. Getting a pro to take your product photos is such a good idea, but what to do if you want champagne photos on a beer business budget? Well you check out these super-helpful links of course. If you've got a half-decent camera, but you're still taking photos on auto setting (*cough, raises hand*) then check out this lengthy post on product photography by Jeff Delacruz on the Shopify blog. Great stuff here on what settings to use on your camera to get the best shots, plus all the equipment you'll need (which isn't much!) There's a bunch of tutorials out there on how to build your own lightbox. But, as [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:51:52+11:00March 20th, 2015|Tips and Tricks, Website Content|2 Comments

7 Links to Help You Rock Your Website

Your website is probably the first place many of your customers find you. So you want it to be awesome, yes? I've rounded up some awesome links from around the web, all so you can make your website a pretty place where your customers love to hang out and buy from you. Man I'm nice. Is your website copy a rocking party of excitement? Or is it about as fun to read as watching paint dry? Well here's three ways you might be screwing up your website copy. An image tells a 1,000 words etc. cliche, etc. So you'll want to make sure you are using images properly on your blog. If you sell your own products on your website then you'll love these tips on writing non-boring, fun product descriptions. Does the term [...]

By |2019-10-17T12:02:48+11:00August 1st, 2014|Website Content|0 Comments
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